Results Over Resolutions
Turn failed resolutions into real results. Start your Lifeforce Membership today and get a FREE advanced panel of your choice (a $200 value).
$450 in Savings
More Markers, More Clarity
Find out what’s been holding you back. Choose your FREE advanced panel (in addition to our comprehensive 50+ biomarker test), then work with our team of clinicians to get a customized plan to look, feel, and function at your best.
Ongoing monthly fee $149 (first month free, cancel anytime)
At-home phlebotomist blood draw every 3 months covering 50+ biomarkers
1:1 clinical consultation and unlimited health coaching
Free Advanced Panel of your choice (a $200 value)
30% off supplements
Access to members-only pharmaceuticals
What we measure
Every three months, we test 50+ key biomarkers to identify how your body is functioning today and where we can optimize your health.
Metabolic Health
Learn why you’ve really been struggling to lose weight. These advanced markers can help you unlock the root cause of weight gain — and get ahead of long-term health risks, including diabetes, heart attack risk, hormonal imbalance, and even mental health decline.
Insulin Glycomark Adiponectin Uric Acid
Heavy Metals
It's estimated that up to 20% of adults live with elevated levels of heavy metals, impacting your cognitive function, immune system, and long-term health. Exposure can come from everyday products, water sources, and certain foods containing harmful levels.
Arsenic Mercury Lead
Cardiovascular Health
Heart attacks and strokes rarely strike at random. They are usually the result of cumulative damage to the heart over many years. Using advanced biomarkers to understand your individual heart health is critical for creating a personalized program that minimizes risk and maximizes peace of mind.
TMAO NMR LipoProfile® Ferritin GlycA
One Million Biomarkers Tested
Join thousands of members who have optimized their health and longevity with Lifeforce.
You live your life. We manage your longevity.
Our comprehensive proactive health program combines diagnostics, doctors, coaches, and science-backed therapies.
Step 1
Measure your baseline
We send a licensed phlebotomist to your home to conduct a blood draw measuring 50+ biomarkers. You complete an onboarding questionnaire, covering your health history, lifestyle, and goals for the future.
Step 2
Interpret your results.
We apply a proprietary, evidence-based algorithm to calculate your Lifescore — a single metric clarifying the overall state of your health. A Lifeforce clinician then further analyzes your data to identify your top priorities.
Step 3
Start your program.
During your first telehealth consultation, your clinician will discuss your priorities and help you understand your personalized program, including any supplements, pharmaceuticals, and lifestyle strategies appropriate for your goals. Then you’ll be matched with a Lifeforce Health Coach dedicated to getting you the best results.
Step 4
Retest and refine.
Every three months we will conduct another at-home blood draw and telehealth consult to track progress, refine your program, and focus on your next set of goals.
80% of Lifeforce members increased their Lifescore after 12 months.
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